
Special Event & Wedding Videography Services

We all want to capture special moments. They happen once, with no opportunity for a do-over. You want to be sure the video meets your expectations and highlights the occasion. When you rely on Three Sixty° Views, we provide crystal clear videos of once-in-a-lifetime memories. For your wedding or any private event, we offer a unique, unmatched, and stunning perspective. Our FAA certified pilots collect spectacular aerial shots!

Feel free to get creative. Three Sixty° Views is able to access the entire venue and open up nearly limitless possibilities. Whether you’re holding your wedding, anniversary or engagement in a gorgeous valley or on a city rooftop, we enhance your special event with new angles, perspectives, and images that simply wouldn’t be possible any other way. Three Sixty° Views takes you to the next level. Our professionals take unforgettable shots of the bride and groom, tell the story of the event, and provide higher quality aerial photography and video recording.
Call or email for pricing: 716-320-1188 | threesixtyviews360@gmail.com

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